


2023/5/13 1:03:53    from:admin    浏览:1711

   2023年5月10日下午,省委统战部纪检监察组副组长、一级调研员张绍云 ;省委统战部纪检监察组三级主任科员郭林雄 ; 驻市委统战部纪检监察组副组长、四级调研员梅雪春; 驻市委统战部纪检监察组四级主任科员吴思艺一行在云和县县委常委、统战部长赖小文;统战部常务副部长、侨联主席梁超炜的陪同下莅临浙江丹妮婴童用品有限公司参观调研。    On the afternoon of May 10, 2023, Zhang Shaoyun, Deputy Leader and First Level Researcher of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee; Guo Linxiong, the third level chief staff member of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the United Front Work Department of the Provincial Party Committee; Mei Xuechun, Deputy Leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee and Level 4 Researcher; Wu Siyi, the fourth level chief staff member of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Yunhe County Committee, and Lai Xiaowen, the head of the United Front Work Department of Yunhe County; Accompanied by Liang Chaowei, Executive Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department and Chairman of the Overseas Chinese Federation, he visited Zhejiang Danni Infant and Child Products Co., Ltd. for research.